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Active Investing: A Brief Overview

Lesson 3: Active Investing: A Brief Overview

In today's video, we're gonna be talking about active investing and what is that versus passive investing. So in a nutshell, when you're an active investor, you're doing it all. In real estate, specifically, you're responsible for finding qualifying, closing on the deal, like that is your role as the active investor.

You're gonna be bringing your own money, which could be, you know, your money, or a combination of debt and other equity, but again it's the active investor, like you are responsible for bringing this all together and you're really responsible for overseeing the business plan through the execution. So there's a lot of work involved with active investing, whereas a passive investor, you just bring money and you basically hand it to the active investor and say like, I just wanna see my returns.

Hopefully that's helpful. I'd love to get your feedback if there's any other comments or thoughts that you want to bring forward in these conversations, but also please subscribe and follow us on the show.